Tuesday, June 06, 2006

A Big Day for Geeks

Today is, as most people are aware, 06/06/06. End of the world, sign of the devil, blah blah blah..

In REALITY, it was a big release for two things that many people have their eyes on in the gaming community.

The first, as I said in yesterday's post, is Blackbolt's skin for XBMC, called MC360. (BTW, the trailer is up to 28,000 views at last check!)

The second is a dashboard release for the REAL Xbox 360, that among 123 other things adds downloading in the background and the ability to boot to the dash, even if a disc is in the tray.

I'm excited about both.

Also, tonight I will be watching the finale of the Apprentice. I didn't get to watch it last night, so tonight TiVo will be my friend. I'm picking Sean, because Lee is WEAK, but there's no telling who Trump will pick.

Welcome to anyone who stopped by from Blackbolt's site. I think it's considerate and HILARIOUS that he threw my site up there on his links page. I can't imagine I've got anything enticing you to come back, but thanks for stopping by!

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