Thursday, August 30, 2007

New Look, Hopefully More Info

I'm going through the process of changing the look of the site. I am NOT going with the colors or shapes of the new design, but I like the skeleton, so I'll start tweaking the graphics very soon. Please, if you feel like it, leave comments on what you think I could/should add.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

New Spider-Man Animated Series!

This is the trailer for the new Spectacular Spider-Man animated series that starts this fall.

The animation looks cool in the trailer. But with every one of these superhero cartoons, the animation is awesome the first year, and then the animators get lazy and it dies off in coolness. Keep your fingers crossed.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Movies, Games & Music

My mother and I saw 1408 last night. It was really good. It was very tense, and shot very claustrophobically. Most of the movie is just John Cusack in a hotel room. There's a little bit before to set up what's going on with the room, and an ending that I thought was a little weak.

Lots of good, jumpy moments. No unnecessary gore like the Saw or Hostel movies, just good nervous tension.

I'm looking forward to the Transformers next week. Even if it's not true to the source, I'm not SUPER familiar with the history anyway. I just liked the toys, so seeing giant robots will be cool.

As far as games go, right now I'm really into Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 2. Chris and Sean and I go on various missions to ensure the safety of our country several nights a week. I'm also still swinging around New York in Spider-Man 3 a lot.

The Freedom Festival is this weekend. I have no idea why this thing is still in existence, and wonder how many taxpayer dollars are sunk into this thing. I'll think about it over a funnel cake, if it's not too hot.

Also, this song has been stuck in my head all day:
(roll in about two minutes)

Monday, May 21, 2007

May Update

Okay, since my last post, Angie bought a new house. (Angie's my girlfriend. Until recently, I didn't know whether she'd dig being mentioned on here, but now I know...) It's very cool, with a finished basement, lots of character, a screened in back porch with a koi pond, and it's in a really pretty neighborhood.

We're getting ready to go on a COOL mini-vacation this weekend to Saint Louis. We're going to hit the zoo, museums and Six Flags.

Spider-Man 3 was EXCELLENT. I've said it before, but I'm fortunate that my childhood hero has been given such an excellent treatment in Hollywood, and not just some goofy throw-away movie like Ghost Rider or Daredevil.

More later...

Friday, March 30, 2007

Just a Post so March Has an Entry

I have NOTHING to say. I have done better with my MySpace page.

I got to catch up with my friend Neil, who was in town for a couple of days, introducing friends and family to his beautiful new wife.

I'm still playing Crackdown. And I'm really digging the new GTA4 trailer, and the new Spider-Man 3 trailer, too:

The new website the station's been working to launch is now up, complete with lots of quirky bugs to hunt.

There. My monthly post is complete. Now that the site launch is behind me, I can begin to work on my own site's new design... but don't hold your breath.